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Treatment of Obesity in Panipat

Treatment of Obesity - Best Hospital in Panipat

Important Details About Obesity

To commence with, Excess body fat that raises your risk of health issues is called obesity. A body mass index (BMI) of over 30 indicates obesity, whereas a BMI of 25 to 30 indicates overweight. The majority of obese and overweight individuals consume more energy from food and beverages than they expend during physical activity. You can usually lose weight and feel better with a kilojoule-controlled diet and regular exercise. Moreover, consult your doctor about additional treatments if diet and exercise aren’t helping you lose weight.

Obesity: What is it?

Being obese or overweight indicates that you are carrying excess body weight in the form of fat. Living with obesity places you above the healthy weight range, in the highest weight range. While not as severe as obesity, being overweight still indicates that your body weight is above normal. In India, 1 in 4 children and 2 out of 3 adults suffer from obesity or are overweight. The prevalence of obesity is higher in underprivileged Indians. More than three-quarters of Indian adults will either be overweight or obese by 2025, according to experts. It can be difficult to discuss obesity. It’s critical to keep in mind that obesity raises a person’s risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes and other dangerous illnesses. It’s not just about looks.

What symptoms indicate Obesity?

Excess body fat which is typically determined by body mass index (BMI), is the most obvious indicator of obesity. Overweight is defined as having a BMI between 25 and 30, while obesity is defined as having a BMI of 30 or higher. Furthermore, The adult BMI calculator on healthdirect can be used to determine your BMI. However, individuals under the age of 18, pregnant women, and those from specific ethnic backgrounds may not receive an accurate BMI calculation. If you’re not sure if BMI applies to you, find out from your physician or dietitian.

Are you looking for treatment of Obesity? Welcome to Prime Hospital in Panipat, where compassionate care meets cutting-edge medical expertise.

What leads to obesity?

Gaining weight can be caused by many things. Obesity typically develops over time as a result of consuming more energy than the body requires. Kilojoules, a unit of measurement for energy, are found in foods and beverages and are used by your body, particularly when you exercise. An adult typically requires 8700 kJ per day. Your body stores any excess energy as fat. Moreover, Other factors that may contribute to weight gain. Additionally, there are variables beyond your control that can lead to obesity, such as: your family history, including the genes from your parents and the customs you were raised with your environment, including the foods that are offered and in what amounts, as well as the places that you work and sleep.

Gaining weight can be caused by many things.: your family history, including the genes from your parents and the customs you were raised with your environment, including the foods that are offered and in what amounts, as well as the places that you work and sleep. Your metabolism is the rate at which your body converts food into energy. Certain medical conditions, like hypothyroidism, can also contribute to weight gain. some medications that have the side effect of causing weight gain, like some antipsychotic medications. See your doctor about ways to enhance your health, regardless of the reason behind your obesity.

How can I control my obesity?

The following actions can be taken to lessen the chance of becoming obese: Eat healthily: Take stock of your intake of high-energy, low-nutrition snack foods and sugary beverages such as juice, soft drinks and flavor-infused milk. Think about how often you order takeout. Limit your alcohol intake: Take stock of your alcohol consumption; it contains many kilojoules but no nutritional value. People may consume more kilojoules than they require due to a variety of factors, including stress, depression, poor sleep, fluctuating emotions and limited access to healthful food.

How is a diagnosis of obesity made?

In order to determine your BMI (Index of body mass) and determine whether you are overweight or obese, your doctor will take measurements of your height and weight. For the majority of adults: A healthy BMI falls between 18.5 and 24.9. An individual with a BMI of 25 to 29.9 is deemed overweight. A BMI of thirty or more is deemed obese. Certain groups of people who naturally have different muscle and fat mass may find that a BMI measurement is less accurate. For instance, based on their BMI, athletes with high muscle mass may be classified as obese even though they actually weigh a healthy weight. Standard BMI measurements should not be used on children. Learn more about assessing and treating childhood obesity.

Circumference of the Waist

To determine how much weight you are, your doctor might take your waist circumference. An individual’s risk of developing obesity-related health issues, such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes and certain cancers, increases if their waist circumference measures 94 cm or more for men, or 80 cm or more for women who are not pregnant.

Additional examinations

Your blood pressure, blood glucose (sugar) and cholesterol levels may be measured by your physician to determine your risk of developing additional obesity-related disorders.

How is the management of obesity done?

Sadly, there isn’t a “quick fix” or quick cure for obesity. Generally speaking, you can lose weight and feel better by combining a regular physical activity regimen with a diet restricted in calories. Moreover, Maintaining a positive outlook and taking care of your mental health are also beneficial.

Cutting back on your calorie intake

Making dietary changes that result in an energy deficit is one strategy for weight loss. You can achieve this by replacing high-energy, unhealthy foods like processed foods, fast food, sugary drinks and alcohol with more wholesome options like fruit and vegetables. Furthermore, Watch out for diets that strictly limit certain foods or promote unhealthy habits. Consult a dietitian about a dietary plan customized to your needs if you intend to make dietary changes.

Increasing Exercise

It’s critical to alter your diet and engage in moderate-intense physical activity for at least 30 minutes five days a week in order to lose weight. Physical activity includes any activity that demands more effort than usual such as swimming, tennis or brisk walking. You can engage in a variety of physical activities on a daily basis. You can walk rather than use the elevator, engage in physical activity with your kids, use public transportation or ride a bicycle. Moreover, To get support and motivation, you might find it beneficial to join a sports team or fitness group.

Studies reveal that:

Any physical activity is preferable to none at all. Engaging in physical activity every day yields greater benefits than merely once or twice a week. At least twice a week of strength or resistance training—that is, working out with weights—helps maintain bone health and your metabolism (the rate at which you burn calories).

Assisting you in losing weight

Furthermore, See a counselor or psychologist who can assist you with long-term changes if you’ve previously struggled with weight loss. It can be simpler to lose weight if you use strategies like cognitive-behavioural therapy which teaches you to identify when and why you eat as well as how to alter negative thought patterns. You can get a referral to a psychologist or counselor from your doctor.

Medications for weight loss

In India, prescription medications are available to help people lose weight. It’s crucial to use these in conjunction with increasing physical activity and lowering your calorie intake. Moreover, Certain medications function by decreasing the quantity of fat ingested; others decrease feelings of hunger. Medication for weight loss has drawbacks and isn’t appropriate for everyone. Before beginning a weight-loss medication, consult your physician or pharmacist to make sure it’s the right choice for you.

Surgery to lose weight

Some people can lose weight with bariatric surgery because it alters how the body absorbs and digests food. Your doctor will evaluate your BMI, whether you’ve tried other weight-loss techniques, and how much obesity interferes with your everyday activities before recommending weight-loss surgery.

Supplements and complementary therapies

 Numerous complementary therapies and medications are purportedly effective in treating obesity and aiding in weight loss. They must not take the place of the tried-and-true techniques mentioned above. Before beginning any complementary therapy or taking any supplements that promise to help you lose weight, consult your physician or pharmacist.

Does Obesity have any Side Effects?

There are several other health conditions that are linked to being overweight or obese. Among them are: Heart disease, or cardiovascular disease,  Hypertension, or excessive blood pressure, Diabetes type 2 and sleep apnea, Osteoarthritis, particularly affecting the knee and hip joints. Disease caused by reflux of the stomach (GORD). Mental health issues like anxiety and depression. Your doctor can determine whether obesity increases your risk of developing health issues.

Are you looking for treatment of Obesity? Welcome to Prime Hospital in Panipat, where compassionate care meets cutting-edge medical expertise.

Mental health, Eating disorders, and obesity

An eating disorder may make it more difficult for some obese individuals to control their weight without additional assistance. People who are overweight frequently do not realize they suffer from an eating disorder. Learn more about eating disorders that affect obese individuals. It could be beneficial for you to discuss your weight with a mental health professional, especially if it prevents you from working, being active, or interacting with others.

When should I visit my physician?

If you wish to reduce your weight and are overweight or obese, consult your physician. You can talk about the following topics: Determining your BMI, waist circumference, and health risks on a regular basis; improving your diet; determining the amount and kind of exercise that is right for you; and determining whether you require additional testing or treatment for conditions related to obesity. A recommendation for seeking expert advice on what and how much to eat from a dietitian. A recommendation for mental health treatment if your weight is negatively impacting your quality of life.

Are you looking for treatment of Obesity? Welcome to Prime Hospital in Panipat, where compassionate care meets cutting-edge medical expertise.

Materials and Assistance

Try these resources for additional information and assistance: For free phone-based health coaching to assist you in achieving your goals for a healthy lifestyle, contact at 0180-4078991. To assist you in eating healthily, Dietitians Indians offers recipes, advice, and nutrition facts. A variety of tools and calculators are available on LiveLighter to assist you in changing your lifestyle for the better.

Where can I locate multilingual information?

Which other languages do you prefer to English? Fact sheets on obesity are available in Arabic, Chinese, Tagalog, and Vietnamese from the Victorian Government’s Health Translations department.

Are you looking for treatment of Obesity ? Discover exceptional healthcare at Prime Hospital, Panipat. Our state-of-the-art facilities and dedicated team ensure personalized and compassionate care. From routine check-ups to specialized treatments, trust us for excellence in your healthcare journey. Your well-being is our priority at Prime Hospital – where health meets heart.